ePIC Collaboration Council Meeting

Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The meeting agenda and materials are available via: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/21717/

By consensus, the meeting was not recorded.

The minutes of the Collaboration Council meeting on October 27, 2023 were adopted by consensus and were added to the respective meeting indico page.

Representatives of the 5 institutions petitioning to join the collaboration presented their plans as posted and were available for subsequent discussion. The consensus was to vote electronically on the admission of each of the 5 institutions (for/against/abstain).

The elected Chair-line of the DEI Committee presented the proposed DEI Committee composition. The consensus was to vote electronically on the endorsement (for/against/abstain) of the proposed committee composition as a whole.

The Chair-lines of the Membership Committee and of the Conferences and Talks Committee Chair-lines presented updates on the Committee meetings thus far and considerations for their respective areas. This was followed by discussion and calls for further feedback that will be taken into consideration in the further development of policies.

No other business was brought up and the meeting was adjourned.

Electronic voting was opened on January 17 for the agreed-on period of two weeks, a deadline that was subsequently extended to Monday February 5, 2024 since the required quorum had not been reached. Voting was closed at noon on February 5, 2024 with 140 valid votes. This satisfies the required quorum. The required super-majorities were in favor of admission of the institutions petitioning to join ePIC. The required majorities endorsed the proposed DEI Committee composition.


The Collaboration Council has thus admitted:

  • University of Mohammed V in Rabat

  • University of Mohammed VI Poytechnic in Bengurir

  • University Ibn Tofail in Kénitra

  • University Mohammed Premier in Oujda

  • University of Texas at Austin


The Collaboration Council has thus endorsed the DEI Committee.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Welcome, Agenda, and Minutes from previous meeting
      Speakers: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • Institutional membership: Presentations by Institutional Representatives
    • Collaboration Council Committees: Updates and policy development
    • 10
      Closed session
    • 11
      Next Collaboration Council Meeting and AOB