BNL Workshop on SUSY with 5 / fb at the LHC

Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911 (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

Brookhaven National Laboratory

By Spring 2012, we expect many new results on SUSY, Higgs and BSM physics from ATLAS and CMS, based on analysis of the full 2011 dataset. SUSY searches will become sensitive to those aspects directly testing SUSY as a solution to the hierarchy problem, while Higgs searches will reach a sensitivity covering almost the entire low mass range. We plan a 3-day workshop for US physicists for an in-depth look at the SUSY searches conducted by ATLAS and CMS. Experimental talks will be given by young researchers who are experts in their analyses to foster lively discussion. These specialized talks will be supplemented by broader review talks, covering both experiment and theory on SUSY and Higgs physics.
Dining near BNL
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  • Alexander Paramonov
  • Alfredo Gurrola
  • amarjit soni
  • Antoine Marzin
  • Bart Butler
  • Benjamin Hooberman
  • Brokk Toggerson
  • Carlos E.M. Wagner
  • Daniel Pomeroy
  • David Adams
  • David Mason
  • David Rahm
  • David Shih
  • Dmitri Tsybychev
  • Duong Nguyen
  • Elisabetta Furlan
  • Francesco Lanni
  • Frank Paige
  • George Redlinger
  • Hong Ma
  • Hooman Davoudiasl
  • Howard Gordon
  • Hye-Sung Lee
  • Ian Lewis
  • James Olsen
  • Jianwei Qiu
  • Jie Chen
  • Joshua Berger
  • Jovan Mitrevski
  • Keith Ulmer
  • Kenichi Hatakeyama
  • Kin Yip
  • Marc-Andre Pleier
  • Mariangela Lisanti
  • Maxim Perelstein
  • Michael Begel
  • Prerit Jaiswal
  • Ricardo Neves
  • Richard Gray
  • Robert McCarthy
  • Roberto Rossin
  • Rouven Essig
  • Rustem Ospanov
  • Ryan Gavin
  • Sally Dawson
  • Sourabh Dube
  • srini rajagopalan
  • Takao Sakaguchi
  • Tapas Sarangi
  • Thomas Rizzo
  • Vivek Jain
  • William Kilgore
  • William Morse
  • Yuri Gershtein
  • Zuowei Liu
Administrative support: Linda Feierabend
    • 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
      Bagels/coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 9:00 AM 10:25 AM
      Session 1 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Hong Ma (BNL)
      • 9:00 AM
        Logistics 10m
        Speaker: George Redlinger (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 9:10 AM
        Introduction 35m
        Speaker: Maxim Perelstein (Cornell)
      • 9:50 AM
        ATLAS jets+MET searches 30m
        Speaker: Duong Nguyen (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 10:25 AM 10:55 AM
      Coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 10:55 AM 12:10 PM
      Session 2 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Michael Begel (Brookhaven National Lab)
      • 10:55 AM
        CMS jets+MET searches 30m
        Speaker: Kenichi Hatakeyama (Baylor University)
      • 11:30 AM
        Simplified models - what have we learned 35m
        Speaker: Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton)
    • 12:10 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 50m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 2:00 PM 3:15 PM
      Session 3 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr William Kilgore (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 2:00 PM
        Interplay of Higgs and SUSY 35m
        Speaker: Carlos E.M. Wagner (Argonne and U of Chicago)
      • 2:40 PM
        CMS multileptons,gauginos,tau+X 35m
        Speaker: Richard Gray (Rutgers University)
    • 3:15 PM 3:45 PM
      Coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 3:45 PM 5:45 PM
      Session 4 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Yuri Gershtein (Rutgers)
      • 3:45 PM
        Lepton(s) + jets+MET searches - ATLAS 35m
        Speaker: Tapas Sarangi (University of Wisconsin)
      • 4:25 PM
        Lepton(s) + jets+MET searches - CMS 35m
        Speaker: Ben Hooberman (Fermilab)
      • 5:05 PM
        ATLAS leptons+X (direct gaugino) 35m
        Speaker: Brokk Toggerson (UC Irvine)
    • 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
      Reception 1h 30m Physics Dept Library

      Physics Dept Library

    • 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
      Bagels/coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 9:00 AM 10:40 AM
      Session 5 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Patrick Meade (Stony Brook)
      • 9:00 AM
        Mechanisms for SUSY breaking and their signatures 35m
        Speaker: David Shih (Rutgers)
      • 9:40 AM
        Photon+X - ATLAS 25m
        Speaker: Jovan Mitrevski (UC Santa Cruz)
      • 10:10 AM
        Photon+X - CMS 25m
        Speaker: Dr David Mason (Fermilab)
    • 10:40 AM 10:55 AM
      Photo shoot 15m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 10:55 AM 11:15 AM
      Coffee 20m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 11:15 AM 12:25 PM
      Session 6 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Prof. Dmitri Tsybychev (Stony Brook University)
      • 11:15 AM
        ATLAS tau+X 25m
        Speaker: Sourabh Dube (LBL)
      • 11:45 AM
        SUSY and dark matter 35m
        Speaker: Neal Weiner (NYU)
    • 12:25 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 35m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Session 7 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Marc-André Pleier (BNL)
      • 2:00 PM
        Long-lived particle searches - CMS 25m
        Speaker: Jie Chen (Florida State)
      • 2:30 PM
        Long lived particle searches - ATLAS 25m
        Speaker: Vivek Jain (Indiana University)
    • 3:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 3:30 PM 5:10 PM
      Session 8 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Hooman Davoudiasl (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 3:30 PM
        RPV and flavor violation 35m
        Speaker: Josh Berger (Cornell)
      • 4:10 PM
        Resonant RPV signatures - CMS 25m
        Speaker: Amit Lath (Rutgers University)
      • 4:40 PM
        RPV signatures - ATLAS 25m
        Speaker: Dan Pomeroy (Brandeis)
    • 6:00 PM 8:00 PM
      Dinner 2h Baiting Hollow Farm Winery

      Baiting Hollow Farm Winery

      At the Baiting Hollow Farm Winery (

    • 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
      Bagels/coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 9:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Session 9 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Sally Dawson (BNL)
      • 9:00 AM
        ATLAS Higgs Overview 35m
        Speaker: Rustem Ospanov (University of Pennsylvania)
      • 9:40 AM
        CMS Higgs Overview 35m
        Speaker: Jim Olsen (Princeton)
    • 10:20 AM 10:50 AM
      Coffee 30m Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 10:50 AM 12:00 PM
      Session 10 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Alexander Paramonov (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 10:50 AM
        ATLAS sbottom searches (direct and gluino-mediated) 30m
        Speaker: Bart Butler (SLAC)
      • 11:25 AM
        CMS sbottom searches (direct and gluino-mediated) 35m
        Speaker: Keith Ulmer (University of Colorado)
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      Lunch 1h Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • 1:30 PM 3:15 PM
      Session 11 Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Snyder Auditorium, Bldg 911

      Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Frank Paige (BNL)
      • 1:30 PM
        ATLAS stop searches (direct and gluino-mediated) 30m
        Speaker: Antoine Marzin (University of Oklahoma)
      • 2:05 PM
        The MSSM and Beyond 35m
        Speaker: Tom Rizzo (SLAC)