Mar 19 – 21, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

The 1st EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Temple University is the first of a series of four workshops throughout the entire year 2020. The purpose of the Yellow Report Initiative is to advance the state and detail of the documented physics studies (White Paper, INT program proceedings) and detector concepts (Detector and R&D Handbook) in preparation for the realization of the EIC. The effort aims to provide the basis for further development of concepts for experimental equipment best suited for science needs, including complementarity of two detectors towards future Technical Design Reports (TDRs). 

More information is available at the EICUG WWW-page.

The workshop starts on Thursday, March 19, with morning plenary sessions, followed by afternoon physics/detector parallel sessions and a full day of parallel sessions on Friday, March 20. The entire morning on Saturday, March 21, will have two plenary sessions.

Update March 9, 2020: The workshop will take place as a remote-only workshop using the same schedule and timeline due to the impact caused by the COVID-19 health issue. 
