19–21 Mar 2020
US/Eastern timezone


Physics WG Inclusive

19 Mar 2020, 16:30



Physics WG Inclusive

  • Barak Schmookler (Stony Brook University)
  • nobuo sato (Jefferson Lab)
  • Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)

Physics WG Inclusive

  • nobuo sato (Jefferson Lab)
  • Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
  • Barak Schmookler (Stony Brook University)

Physics WG Inclusive

  • nobuo sato (Jefferson Lab)
  • Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
  • Barak Schmookler (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
20/03/2020, 08:30
Michal Krelina (FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague)
20/03/2020, 08:35
Alberto Accardi (Hampton U. and Jefferson Lab)
20/03/2020, 08:50
Fredrick Olness (SMU)
20/03/2020, 09:05
Bernd Surrow (Temple University)
20/03/2020, 09:35
Jae Nam (Temple University)
20/03/2020, 09:50
Timothy Hobbs (Southern Methodist University and EIC Center@JLab)
20/03/2020, 10:05
Enrico Lunghi (Indiana University), Nathan Sherrill
20/03/2020, 10:20
nobuo sato (Jefferson Lab)
20/03/2020, 11:00
Barak Schmookler (Stony Brook University)
20/03/2020, 11:30
Renee Fatemi (University of Kentucky)
20/03/2020, 12:00
Building timetable...