Transverse Lambda polarization in electron-positron collisions

15 Apr 2021, 10:54
Virtual (Stony Brook, NY)


Stony Brook, NY

Contributed Talk Spin Physics Spin Physics


Leonard Gamberg (Penn State)


In this talk I will present a study of transverse polarization of lambda-hyperons in single-inclusive leptonic annihilation (SIA). We show that when the transverse momentum of the lambda-baryon is measured with respect to the thrust axis, a transverse momentum dependent (TMD) formalism is required and the polarization is generated by the TMD polarizing fragmentation function (TMD PFF), $𝐷_{1T}^{(1)⊥}$. However, when the transverse momentum of the lambda-baryon is measured with respect to the momentum of the initial leptons, a collinear twist-3 formalism is required and the polarization is generated by the intrinsic twist-3 fragmentation function $𝐷_𝑇$. Thus, while these measurements differ from one another only by a change in the measurement axis, they probe different distribution functions. Recently, Belle measured a significant polarization in single-inclusive lambda-baryon production as a function of the transverse momentum with respect to the thrust axis. However, this data can in principle be re-analyzed to measure the polarization as a function of the transverse momentum of the lambda-baryon with respect to the lepton pair. This observable could be the first significant probe of the $𝐷_𝑇$ function. In this study, we first develop a TMD formalism for lambda-polarization; we then present a recent twist-3 formalism that was established to describe lambda-polarization. Using the TMD formalism, we demonstrate that the lambda-polarization at Belle and OPAL can be described using the twist-2 factorization formalism. Finally, we make a theoretical prediction for this polarization in the twist-3 formalism at Belle.

Primary authors

Leonard Gamberg (Penn State) Zhongbo Kang (University of California Los Angeles) Dingyu Shao (UCLA) John Terry (UCLA) Fanyi Zhao (University of California, Los Angeles)

Presentation materials