12–16 Apr 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Top quark pair and single top cross sections in CMS

15 Apr 2021, 08:18
Virtual (Stony Brook, NY)


Stony Brook, NY

Contributed Talk QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States


Ravindra Verma (Florida Institute of Technology)


atest results on inclusive and differential top quark pair and single top quark production cross sections are presented using proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment. The differential cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables of the top quarks and the jets and leptons of the event final state. The results are confronted with precise theory calculations and used to constrain Standard Model parameters. Measurements are performed also with high pT top quarks, i.e., in boosted regimes.

Primary author

Ravindra Verma (Florida Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials