Chris Pinkenburg
13/01/2020, 09:10
Dennis Perepelitsa
(University of Colorado Boulder),
Rosi Reed
(Lehigh University)
13/01/2020, 09:30
Anthony Frawley
(Florida State University),
Christof Roland
13/01/2020, 10:00
Anthony Frawley
(Florida State University),
Christof Roland
13/01/2020, 11:00
Discuss schedule of tracking work.
Andreas Salzburger
13/01/2020, 11:30
David Rohr,
David Rohr
13/01/2020, 14:00
Ivan Kisel
13/01/2020, 14:40
Hongwei Ke
13/01/2020, 15:20
Jens Wiechula
13/01/2020, 16:30
Ernst Hellbaer
13/01/2020, 17:00
Ross Corliss
13/01/2020, 17:30
Anthony Frawley
(Florida State University),
Christof Roland
14/01/2020, 09:00
Sanghoon Lim
(University of Colorado Boulder)
14/01/2020, 11:00
BNL Nuclear Physics Seminar, Small Seminar Room @ Physics Building
The main purpose of relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments is to understand Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) which is very hot and dense QCD matters produced in heavy-ion collisions. Early results from RHIC such as jet quenching and elliptic flow are supported for the formation of the QGP. In order to fully understand the...
Meifeng Lin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
Meifeng Lin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/01/2020, 09:00
15/01/2020, 09:30
Bob Azmoun
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
John Haggerty
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
15/01/2020, 09:30
Bob Azmoun
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
David Morrison
John Haggerty
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
John Kuczewski
Takao Sakaguchi
16/01/2020, 13:00
We walk from conference room to Physics building labs after lunch
Justin Frantz
(Ohio University)
16/01/2020, 13:30
16/01/2020, 14:15
Fernando Torales - Acosta
16/01/2020, 14:30
David Silvermyr,
Rong-Shyang Lu,
Sanghoon Lim
(University of Colorado Boulder)
17/01/2020, 09:20
Senta Greene
(Vanderbilt University)
17/01/2020, 10:00
Edward O'Brien
John Haggerty
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
17/01/2020, 11:10
Anthony Frawley
(Florida State University),
Chris Pinkenburg
17/01/2020, 11:30
Anthony Frawley
(Florida State University),
Christof Roland
17/01/2020, 11:45
Cameron Dean
Yasser Corrales Morales
Yuanjing Ji
17/01/2020, 11:50
Hugo Pereira Da Costa
(Université Paris-Saclay (Fr)),
Ross Corliss
17/01/2020, 12:05
Veronica Verkest
(Wayne State University)
17/01/2020, 12:45
Mingqian Chen
(Lehigh University),
Mingqian Chen
(Lehigh University)
17/01/2020, 12:55