Calibration, Monitoring, and Experimental Control in Streaming Environments
- Torri Jeske (Jefferson Lab)
- Yeonju Go (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
In Run II of the LHC, a new scheme for the software trigger at LHCb allows splitting the triggering of events in two stages, allowing to perform the detector alignment and calibration in real time. The real-time alignment and calibration procedure is a fully automatic procedure at LHCb that is executed at the begining of each fill of the LHC. The alignment estimates the position of detector...
The GlueX Central Drift Chamber (CDC) in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, used for detecting and tracking charged particles, is calibrated and controlled \textit{during} data taking using a Gaussian process. The system dynamically adjusts the high voltage applied to the anode wires inside the chamber in response to changing environmental and experimental conditions such that the gain is stabilized....
Measurement of jets and their substructure will provide valuable information about the properties of the struck quarks and their radiative properties in Deep-Inelastic Scattering events. The ePIC Barrel Hadronic Calorimeter (BHCal) will be a critical tool for such measurements. By enabling the measurement of the neutral hadronic component of jets, the BHCal will complement the Barrel...