CFNS workshop: Electron-Nuclei Interaction at EIC, will take place at CFNS in Stony Brook University on 5th-7th July 2023. The workshop is held in hybrid mode (in-person and online).
The objectives of the workshop are the following:
1. Summarize and hold discussions on the electron-nuclei studies related to EIC. Underline the challenges of each study. The workshop discussion focuses on but is not limited to electron-light Nuclei studies.
2. Encourage further studies on the subject in both experiment and theory.
3. Initiate conversations between the accelerator and physics communities to establish realistic parametrizations of nuclei beams.
If you are interested in presenting your work at the meeting please contact the organizing committee.
Color Transparency, Intrinsic Charm, Hidden Color, based on Light-Front Holography
Stan Brodsky(SLAC)
Spin Precession of Polarized Beams at NIKHEF, JLab and the EIC
I will go through the basics of spin precession in storage rings and for fixed target facilities from an experimental physicists point of view. The goal to leave the audience with a basic understanding of "magic energies", "siberian snakes" and why polarized deuterons are much harder to manipulate then protons and 3he.