


NuSTEAM - Nuclear Science in Texas
to Enhance and Advance Minorities

This is a new collaborative effort by four Texas-based universities that will run an undergraduate traineeship project under the guidelines of the Department of Energy TBD-NP (Research Traineeships to Broaden and Diversify the Nuclear Physics community) program. The collaboration consists of the University of Houston (UH), University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), University of Texas – El Paso (UTEP) and Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU).

The University of Houston will serve as a host for the summer program of the year-long traineeship. After completing a six-week summer course at UH, Brookhaven National Laboratory will host the students for a two-week hands-on experience in the laboratory environment. Upon returning to their home institutions, the students will continue to be supported for the Fall and Spring semesters for 15 hrs/week, while working on a research topic chosen through the traineeship program. Possible topics will include nuclear and high energy data analysis, neutrino and dark matter data analysis, phenomenological modeling of data from RHIC and LHC, radiation physics studies, machine learning applications in nuclear physics, detector calibration and electronics testing for new instruments.

Link to the program pages at U. Houston



Neutrino Physics for Undergraduate Minority Advancement in Science

NuPUMAS addresses the needs of URM students in several key ways. Since undergraduate research results in increased STEM retention rates, improved self-efficacy, enhanced content knowledge, and professional communication skills, NuPUMAS is designed around multiple research opportunities. The heart of the program is an eight-week long paid traineeship program hosted at the University of Houston (UH) for the first six weeks, followed by travel to Brookhaven National Lab and the Sanford Underground Research Facility for two week-long National Laboratory Experiences.
This traineeship program will give the students skills and knowledge that will aid them in their studies, an experience that will allow them to develop their own research interests, and provide ways to build their resumes so they can stand out amongst their peers. The eight-week traineeship is followed by a two-semester financially-supported research project to be completed at their home institution. This will create additional opportunities to gain skills and experience, as well as to enhance the resume for a career in academia or industry. This program is designed to develop a culture of inclusion, inquiry, achievement, and STEM identity.

Link to the program pages at U. Houston