Uncovering New Laws of Nature at the EIC

Large Seminar Room (Building 510)

Large Seminar Room

Building 510



The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is expected to provide unprecedented information about the structure of nuclei and their constituent nucleons. The capabilities of the EIC can also be leveraged to investigate potential physics beyond the Standard Model, over a wide range of mass scales. This workshop aims to provide a venue for theorists and experimentalists to discuss the scope of new ideas and efforts along this direction, and to be a bridge between the high energy and nuclear physics communities.

The scientific program will include both invited and contributed talks.

    • 1
      Welcome and logistics Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

      Speakers: Hong Ma (BNL), Hooman Davoudiasl (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Sally Dawson (BNL)
    • 2
      EIC Theory Overview Chair, Hong Ma (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Hong Ma

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speakers: Shohini Bhattacharya (Temple University), Prof. Shohini Bhattacharya (University of Connecticut)
    • 09:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 3
      Experimental Overview of ePIC for BSM Chair, Hong Ma (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Hong Ma

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Michael Nycz (University of Virginia)
    • 09:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 4
      EIC Collider Performance Chair, Hong Ma

      Chair, Hong Ma

      Speakers: Todd Satogata (JLAB), Todd Satogata (Brookhaven National Lab)
    • 10:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 10:30
      Coffee Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 5
      An Overview of Monte Carlo Event Generators for the EIC Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Dr Brian Page (BNL)
    • 11:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 6
      PDF determination and the EIC: Impact and Opportunities Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Dr Juan Cruz Martinez (CERN)
    • 11:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 7
      PDF and SMEFT interplay in Global Fits Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta

      Chair, Yoshitaka Hatta

      Speaker: Elie Hammou (Cambridge)
    • 12:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 12:30
      Lunch Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 8
      The Interplay Between the LHC and DIS Experiments in Probing SMEFT Chair, Ethan Neil (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Ethan Neil

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Radja Boughezal (Argonne)
    • 14:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 9
      Low energy probes of physics beyond the Standard Model Chair, Ethan Neil

      Chair, Ethan Neil

      Speaker: Vincenzo Cirigliano (University of Washington)
    • 14:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 15:30
      Coffee Berkner Hall

      Berkner Hall

    • 10
      BSA Distinguished Lecture: The Mystery of Dark Matter in the Universe Berkner Hall

      Berkner Hall

      The ordinary atoms that make up the known universe, from our bodies and the air we breathe to the planets and stars, constitute only 5% of all matter and energy in the cosmos. The remaining 95% is made up of a recipe of 25% dark matter and 70% dark energy, both nonluminous components whose nature remains a mystery. Freese will recount the stories of the dark matter puzzle, starting with the discoveries of visionary scientists from the 1930s who first proposed its existence, to Vera Rubin in the 1970s whose observations conclusively showed its dominance in galaxies, to the deluge of data today from underground laboratories, satellites in space, and the Large Hadron Collider. Theorists contend that dark matter most likely consists of new fundamental particles; the best candidates include WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), axions, light or fuzzy dark matter, or even primordial black holes. Billions of the particles would pass through our bodies every second without us even realizing it, yet their gravitational pull is capable of whirling stars and gas at breakneck speeds around the centers of galaxies, and bending light from distant bright objects. In this talk Freese will provide an overview of this cosmic cocktail, including the evidence for the existence of dark matter in galaxies. She will also talk about Dark Stars, early stars powered by dark matter, that may have already been discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope. Solving the dark matter mystery will be an epochal moment in humankind's quest to understand the universe.

      Speaker: Prof. Katherine Freese (University of Texas)
    • 17:00
      Reception Berkner Hall

      Berkner Hall

    • 11
      Announcements Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

      Speaker: Sally Dawson (BNL)
    • 12
      Searching for Lepton Flavor Violation at the EIC Chair: VIncenzo Cirigliano (Large Seminar Room, Bldg 510)

      Chair: VIncenzo Cirigliano

      Large Seminar Room, Bldg 510

      Speaker: Dr Kaori Fuyuto (Los Alamos)
    • 09:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 13
      Axion-like Particles and Lepton Flavor Violation at the EIC Chair, Vincenzo Cirigliano

      Chair, Vincenzo Cirigliano

      Speaker: Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder)
    • 09:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 14
      Probing axion-like particles at the Electron-Ion Collider Chair, VIncenzo Cirigliano

      Chair, VIncenzo Cirigliano

      Speaker: Hongkai Liu
    • 10:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 10:30
      Coffee Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 15
      Quantum Entanglement as a Probe of Strong Interactions at the EIC Chair, Raju Venugopalan (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Raju Venugopalan

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Dmitri Kharzeev (Stony Brook University and BNL)
    • 11:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 16
      Precision in polarized pdfs Chair, Raju Venugopalan

      Chair, Raju Venugopalan

      Speakers: Daniel De Florian (deflo@unsam.edu.ar), Daniel de Florian (ICAS-UNSAM)
    • 11:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 17
      Electroweak Physics at the EIC Chair, Raju Venugopalan

      Chair, Raju Venugopalan

      Speaker: Sonny Mantry (University of North Georgia)
    • 12:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 12:30
      Lunch Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 18
      Baryon number dynamics from RHIC to the EIC Large Seminar Room, Building 510 (Chair, Katelin Schutz)

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Chair, Katelin Schutz

      Speaker: David Frenklakh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 14:20
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 19
      Diffraction and small-x dynamics at the EIC Chair, Katelin Schutz (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Katelin Schutz

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Stella Schindler (MIT)
    • 14:45
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 20
      Event shape analysis for DIS at the EIC Chair, Katelin Schutz (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Katelin Schutz

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Dr June-Haak Ee (LANL)
    • 15:10
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 15:15
      Coffee Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 21
      QCD and the Early Universe Chair, Hooman Davoudiasl (Large Seminar Room)

      Chair, Hooman Davoudiasl

      Large Seminar Room

      Speaker: Michal Sumbera (ASCR)
    • 16:05
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 17:45
      Dinner Desmond's at East Wind

      Desmond's at East Wind

      Meet in large seminar room at 5:45 if you can provide a ride, or you need a ride

    • 22
      Announcements Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

      Speaker: Sally Dawson (BNL)
    • 23
      Uncovering New Dimensions with Transverse Momentum Physics at the EIC Chair: Robert Szafron (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair: Robert Szafron

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Prof. Iain Stewart (MIT)
    • 09:25
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 24
      BSM at the Astrophysical Intensity Frontier Chair: Robert Szafron

      Chair: Robert Szafron

      Speaker: Prof. Katelin Schutz (McGill)
    • 09:55
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 10:00
      Coffee Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 25
      BSM at the Muon Synchrotron Ion Collider: Let the MuSIC begin! Chair, Tom Rizzo (Large Seminar Room, Building 510)

      Chair, Tom Rizzo

      Large Seminar Room, Building 510

      Speaker: Sokratis Trifinopoulos (MIT)
    • 10:50
      Discussion Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 26
      Heavy Neutral Leptons at EIC Chair, Tom Rizzo

      Chair, Tom Rizzo

      Speaker: Tao Han (UPittsburgh)
      • a) Heavy Neutral Leptons at EIC
        Speaker: Tao Han (UPittsburgh)
    • 11:20
    • 27
      Thanks and Closing Large Seminar Room

      Large Seminar Room

      Building 510

    • 28
      50/60 Celebration of discovery of J/Psi and CP Violation Berkner Hall

      Berkner Hall