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- Indico Weeks View
The Inaugural Symposium of the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS) will be held at Stony Brook University from Wednesday, November 28th to Thursday, November 29th, 2018. It will be followed on Friday, November 30th, by the 1st review of the Center by its International Advisory Committee.
The CFNS was set up jointly by Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University with generous support from the Simons Foundation and New York State. The Center will support activities towards the realization of the US Electron Ion Collider (EIC). In the long run, the Center will expand its activities to other topics of interest to the broader US nuclear science community.
The two-day symposium will have talks covering a broad range of topics in and related to QCD and other topics currently being discussed in the US nuclear science community. We will hear about the science and status of the US Electron Ion Collider and its realization plans, at both Brookhaven National Laboratory and Jefferson Lab.
All are welcome to attend the symposium and the public sessions of the review by the International Advisory Committee.
The symposium will be held in the Simons Center Lecture Hall 1. A welcome reception and informal dedication ceremony for the Peter Paul Seminar room will take place on the C-Floor of the Physics building on Wednesday, November 28th at 6:30PM.
The entire event including the reception is free, however, registration is mandatory to allow us to make appropriate logistical arrangements.
We will broadcast the meeting via BlueJeans: https://www.bluejeans.com/211982127
The Hilton Garden Inn is conveniently located on the Stony Brook University campus and is within walking distance of the workshop venue. We have a limited number of rooms reserved at a discounted rate of $139 per night. To make a reservation, visit this link and use the group code of CFNSNO when booking your room. Deadline to make your reservation is November 21th, 2018.
Alternative accommodation: The Holiday Inn Express in located in Stony Brook and is a short car drive away from the University. The hotel offers shuttle service from the hotel to campus and back. The rate is $119 per night. For more information, see http://stonybrookny.hiexpress.com.
See https://www.stonybrook.edu/cfns/contact/directions for instructions on how to get to Stony Brook University and the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science located on campus.
IAC dinner withe CFNS post docs and PSC