Streaming Readout Workshop SRO-XII

Koshiba-hall (12/2-12/3) Room 233 (12/4) (University of Tokyo)

Koshiba-hall (12/2-12/3) Room 233 (12/4)

University of Tokyo

7 Chome-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033
Alexandre Camsonne, Cristiano Fanelli, Hidetada Baba (RIKEN), Jan Bernauer, Marco Battaglieri, Markus Diefenthaler (Jefferson Lab), Shinsuke Ota (RCNP), Takashi Hachiya (RIKEN), Taku Gunji (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo), Tanja Horn (Cath), Yuji Goto (RIKEN), Yuko Sekiguchi (RIKEN)

This meeting brings together DAQ  specialist and experimentalist from all over the world, to discuss the learning experience from existing streaming DAQ system and collaborate on future Streaming DAQ system at many facilities and experiments and in particularly the EIC.

This SRO XII edition will be held in Tokyo, Japan, from 12/2 to 12/4. The University of Tokyo will host the workshop. 

At this time, we will have a joint session between SRO and AI4EIC to discuss  the development and implemenation of AI/ML based technologies in the streaming readout and DAQ. 

The topics to be discussed in this workshop are:

  • streaming DAQ and experiences at many facilities 
  • real-time calibration and data processing in SRO and heterogeneous computing 
  • application of AI/ML technologies 
  • ASICs, FECs, Data Agregation, new challenges for SRO
  • establishment of work plans for the future SRO system 


We will provide zoom connection to allow the remote participation. However, we encourage in-person participation to have deep dicsussion. 

The in-person registraton is closed now. 

Remote participation is welcome and please proceed with registration form if you attend remotely. 



To registered participants: 

We have been notified that some of you received a phishing email regarding the registration or accomodation for the workshop.  Those emails are nothing to do with SRO XII organization. 

All official communications from the organizers will come from me (chair, Taku Gunji) or one of the organizers. Please be cautious of any emails from other addresses claiming to be associated with the workshop.

If you receive any suspicious emails or have concerns about a message, please forward it to one of the organizers (chair, Taku Gunji) for verification. We will assist you in determining the legitimacy of the communication.


This workshop is co-hosted by:

  • Quark Nuclear Science Institute, the University of Tokyo
  • Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
  • Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University 
  • RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science  



