CFNS workshop on Forward Physics And Instrumentation From Colliders To Cosmic Rays

Lecture Hall 2 (Charles B. Wang Center)

Lecture Hall 2

Charles B. Wang Center

Stony Brook University
Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University), Christophe Royon (University of Kansas), J.H. Lee (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Joanna Kiryluk (Stony Brook University), Nils Feege (Stony Brook University), Takashi Sako (ICRR, University of Tokyo), Yuji Goto (RIKEN)

This meeting follows the successful previous “Workshop On Forward Physics And High-energy Scattering At Zero Degrees” held at the Nagoya University in Fall 2015 and 2017. This year, it aims at covering all aspects of forward physics and detector aspects at the LHC, at RHIC, and at the future EIC, benefiting from the experience gained at HERA and the Tevatron, as well as cosmic rays and neutrinos. The spirit of this meeting is to favor fruitful and informal discussions between experimentalists and theorists. Lots of time is devoted to discussion of new results, hot topics, and exciting open problems in forward physics from colliders to cosmic rays.

The meeting will be held at the Wang Center Lecture Hall 2 about 2 minutes walk from the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. See here:

We will broadcast the meeting via BlueJeans:

If you are driving to Stony Brook and are not staying on Campus, we recommend parking on "The Red Faculty/Staff Lot" right across from the Wang Center. To use that lot, you would have to pick up a (free) parking permit from our registration desk in the Wang center and place it in your car right away.

The topics discussed during the workshop are:

  • Low x, Saturation, and Heavy Nuclei
  • Photon Exchange, Pomeron, and Hard Diffraction
  • Total Cross Section and Soft Diffraction
  • Spin, GPDs, and TMDs 
  • Physics with Heavy Flavors
  • Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos
  • Future Experiments and Instrumentation
Registration for the workshop on Forward Physics And Instrumentation From Colliders To Cosmic Rays