Brookhaven Forum 2023 Advancing Searches for New Physics (BF2023)


The quest for new physics continues. As high energy physics and cosmology presses forward on multiple fronts, the BF2023 program will explore new cutting edge directions in experimental searches, theoretical calculations, and phenomenological efforts.

The plenary and parallel talks will be hosted on a single zoom link available to registered participants only. Breakout rooms will be used for the various parallel tracks. If you have not yet received the zoom link and have registered for the meeting, please reach out to the conference organizers.

There will be a public lecture on Thursday, October 5, by Chad Hanna on gravitational waves.

Plenary and parallel speakers: please upload your slides as soon as possible. If you do not have access, please email them to BrookhavenForum at

All participants are required to conduct themselves in a professional fashion. Discrimination and harassment are not tolerated. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other related concerns contact the event co-chairs and/or the Brookhaven Lab Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office (1-631-344-6253) immediately. BNL Anti-Harassment Policy.

Event ID: B000005155

    • Organizers: Welcome
      • 1
        Welcome to the Brookhaven Forum
        Speakers: Peter Denton, Robert Szafron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • Plenary
      Conveners: Sally Dawson (BNL), Viviana Cavaliere (Brookhaven National Lab)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • Axion
      Convener: Felix Yu (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
      • 6
        Storage Ring Proton EDM Experiment and Search for Axionlike Dark Matter
        Speaker: On Kim (University of Mississippi)
      • 7
        Aiming for Tops of ALPs with a Muon Collider
        Speaker: Yufei Zhang (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 8
        Probing axion dark matter with radio waves
        Speaker: Takuya Okawa (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 9
        QCD Axion-Mediated Dark Matter
        Speaker: Pankaj Munbodh (University of California Santa Cruz)
      • 10
        Revising the phenomenology of axion-like particles coupled to fermions
        Speaker: Maksym Ovchynnikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • Dark Matter
      Convener: Tongyan Lin (University of California - San Diego)
      • 11
        Minimal realisation of light thermal self-interacting dark matter
        Speaker: Satyabrata Mahapatra (Sungkyunkwan University)
      • 12
        Probing new physics with open quantum dynamics
        Speaker: Christian Käding (TU Wien)
      • 13
        Weaker gravity and thermal relic abundance
        Speaker: Matthew Sullivan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 14
        Dark Matter in Higgs-Mechanism-Inspired Emergent Gravity
        Speaker: Durmus Demir (Sabanci University)
      • 15
        Dark Matter Induced Power in Quantum Devices
        Speaker: Anirban Das (Seoul National University)
    • Neutrino: 1
      Convener: Daniel Dwyer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 16
        Core-collapse supernovae - ideal environments to probe new physics
        Speaker: Anna Suliga (University of California-Berkeley)
      • 17
        A Survey of Neutrino Flavor Models and the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Funnel
        Speaker: Julia Gehrlein (Colorado State University)
      • 18
        Physics of Kr-83m by Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy
        Speaker: Yuhao Sun (Case Western Reserve University)
      • 19
        Constraining Neutrino Self-Interactions with IceCube Point Source Data
        Speaker: Jeff Hyde (Swarthmore College)
    • QCD
      Convener: Marc-André Pleier (BNL)
      • 20
        Anomalous Higgs boson couplings in WBF Higgs boson production
        Speaker: Konstantin Asteriadis
      • 21
        NNLO QCD corrections for the production of a heavy-quark pair in association with a massive boson
        Speaker: Chiara Savoini (University of Zürich)
      • 22
        NNLO+PS-accurate event generation for pp -> Zh with contributions from electroweak SMEFT operators
        Speaker: Luc Schnell (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
      • 23
        Hide and Seek: How PDFs can conceal New Physics
        Speaker: Elie Hammou (University of Cambridge)
      • 24
        On the gauge-invariance of SCET beyond leading-power
        Speaker: Patrick Hager (MITP, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
    • 14:40
      Coffee Break
    • B-Physics
      Convener: Sebastian Jaskiewicz (Durham University)
      • 25
        The Belle II Upgrade Program
        Speaker: Carlos Marinas (IFIC (CSIC-UV))
      • 26
        Searching for New Physics in Lambda_b decays at LHCb
        Speaker: Debashis Sahoo (ELTE, Hungary)
      • 28
        Hot Topics at Belle II
        Speaker: Boris Shwartz (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
      • 29
        B anomalies at Belle II
        Speaker: Elisa Manoni (INFN)
      • 30
        Dark Sector searches at Belle II
        Speaker: Enrico Graziani (INFN and University Roma)
    • Cosmology
      Convener: Jeff Hyde (Swarthmore College)
      • 31
        Cosmological Constraints on Dirac Neutrino Mass Models
        Speaker: Michael Shamma (TRIUMF)
      • 32
        QCD-Collapsed Domain Walls: QCD Phase Transition and Gravitational Wave Spectroscopy
        Speaker: Mrunal Prashant Korwar (University of California-Berkeley)
      • 33
        Gauged Quintessence
        Speaker: Jaeok Yi (KAIST)
      • 34
        New Physics with Primordial Black Holes
        Speaker: Tao Xu (University of Oklahoma)
      • 35
        Cosmological Phase Transitions in Composite Higgs Models
        Speaker: Yaoduo Wang (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
    • Neutrino+LHC/CCM
      Convener: Mary Hall Reno (University of Iowa)
      • 36
        Placing Limits on the Dimension-5 Seesaw Portal with Non-pointing Photons
        Speaker: Joel Jones-Perez (PUCP)
      • 37
        Probing Heavy Neutral Leptons at the FCC-ee
        Speaker: Pantelis Kontaxakis (Universite de Geneve)
      • 38
        BSM physics at Coherent CAPTAIN-Mills
        Speaker: Mayank Tripathi (University of Florida)
      • 39
        Cherenkov Light Identification at CCM
        Speaker: Darcy Newmark (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • Neutrino: 2
      Convener: Bill Morse (BNL)
      • 40
        Connecting (g − 2) to neutrino mass in the extended neutrinophilic 2HDM
        Speaker: Adriano Cherchiglia (UNICAMP)
      • 41
        Constraining Non-Unitary Neutrino Mixing using Earth's Matter Effect in Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
        Speaker: Sadashiv Sahoo (Homi Bhabha National Institute)
      • 42
        Validating Earth's Matter Effect in Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations at IceCube-DeepCore
        Speaker: Anuj Kumar Upadhyay (Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, and Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)
      • 43
        Establishing Layered Structure Inside Earth Using Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations at IceCube-DeepCore
        Speaker: Krishnamoorthi J (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.)
      • 44
        Measuring the Mass of Earth and Core Using Neutrino Oscillations at IceCube-DeepCore
        Speaker: Sharmistha Chattopadhyay (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)
    • Plenary
      Convener: Hooman Davoudiasl (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 45
        Recent advances in flavor physics
        Speaker: Marzia Bordone (CERN)
      • 46
        Precision predictions: lightcone expansion beyond NLP
        Speaker: Sebastian Jaskiewicz (Durham University)
      • 10:20
        Coffee Break
      • 47
        (Machine) Learning of Dark Matter around the Milky Way
        Speaker: Lina Necib (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 48
        Dark matter cosmology
        Speaker: Vera Gluscevic (University of Southern California)
      • 49
        The search for sub-GeV dark matter
        Speaker: Tongyan Lin (University of California - San Diego)
    • 12:40
      Lunch Break
    • BSM
      • 50
        Probing energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers through light Z-prime
        Speaker: Arindam Das (Hokkaido University)
      • 51
        SensCalc: public and unified calculations of sensitivities to feebly interacting particles
        Speaker: Jean-Loup Tastet (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
      • 52
        Status of the CODEX-b Experiment in the search for BSM LLPs
        Speaker: Ozgur Durmus (Eotvos Lorand University)
      • 53
        Wrinkles in the Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism and Flavorful New Physics
        Speaker: Katherine Fraser (Harvard University)
      • 54
        Probing New Physics with $\mu^+ \mu^- \to bs$ at a Muon Collider
        Speaker: Sri Aditya Gadam (University of California - Santa Cruz)
    • Dark Matter & Flavor models
      Convener: Julia Gehrlein (Colorado State University)
      • 55
        Status of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter Experiment
        Speaker: Michael Williams (University of Michigan)
      • 56
        Dark Z Boson and Explanation of W Mass Anomaly
        Speaker: Jiheon Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)))
      • 57
        Neutrino floor for dark matter electron scattering experiments
        Speaker: Tarak Maity (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
      • 58
        Quark mass matrices Minimized
        Speaker: Nikhila . (Panjab University)
      • 59
        Flavor Hierarchies from a Gauged SU(2) Symmetry
        Speaker: Anders Eller Thomsen (University of Bern)
    • LHC
      Convener: Julia Gonski (Columbia University)
      • 60
        Dark Contributions to h → μ+μ- in the Presence of a μ-Flavored Vector-Like Lepton
        Speaker: Bibhabasu De (The ICFAI University, Tripura)
      • 61
        Prospects of Heavy Higgs scalar in the natural SUSY at LHC upgrades
        Speaker: Kairui Zhang (University of Wisconsin)
      • 62
        CP-Violating top-Higgs coupling in SMEFT
        Speaker: Ya-Juan Zheng (Iwate University)
      • 63
        Discriminating between Higgs Production Mechanisms via Jet Charge at the LHC
        Speaker: Bin Yan (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
      • 64
        Searching for new physics at the LHC with wavelet transforms
        Speaker: Yevgeny Kats (Ben-Gurion University)
    • Neutrino: 3
      Convener: Matthew Sullivan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 65
        KM3NeT Status and Physics Results
        Speaker: Evangelia Drakopoulou (National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos")
      • 66
        Measurement of the atmospheric muon neutrino flux with KM3NeT/ORCA6
        Speaker: Dimitris Stavropoulos (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos)
      • 67
        Sterile Neutrino Global Fits: 3+1 and Beyond?
        Speaker: John Hardin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 68
        An Updated eV-scale Sterile Neutrino Search with IceCube
        Speaker: Philip Weigel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 69
        The IsoDAR Experiment
        Speaker: Joshua Villarreal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 15:40
      Coffee Break
    • Public Lecture
      Convener: Robert Szafron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 70
        Gravitational Wave Observations and the Search for New Physics
        Speaker: Chad Hanna (Penn State University)
    • Plenary
      Conveners: Chao Zhang (BNL), Vera Gluscevic (University of Southern California)
      • 71
        Building non-vanilla QCD axion models and Perspectives on DEI from an American Scientist in Germany
        Speaker: Felix Yu (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
      • 72
        Physics with neutrinos at a Large Hadron Collider Forward Physics Facility
        Speaker: Mary Hall Reno (University of Iowa)
      • 10:20
        Coffee Break
      • 73
        Neutrinos at 67
        Speaker: Gabriela Barenboim (University of Valencia and IFIC)
      • 74
        Current and Future Neutrino Experiments
        Speaker: Daniel Dwyer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • Organizers: Closing
      Conveners: Peter Denton, Robert Szafron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)