The 6th International Conference on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions

(Stony Brook University, CFNS, Physics Building Floor C)

Stony Brook University, CFNS, Physics Building Floor C

Dmitri Kharzeev (Chair), Roy Lacey (SBU), Benjamin Schweid (Stony Brook University)
  • Abdel Magied Abdel Aal DIAB
  • Abhay Deshpande
  • Adiba Shaikh
  • Adrien Florio
  • Ahmed Hamed
  • Aihong Tang
  • Alexander Soloviev
  • Ali Tabatabaee
  • Aman Dimri
  • Ana Mizher
  • Andrea Palermo
  • Andreas Ipp
  • Anke Lei
  • Ankita Nain
  • Anping Huang
  • Anton Rebhan
  • Anum Rizwan
  • Aradhya Shukla
  • Aritra Das
  • Arkadiy Taranenko
  • Arpan Das
  • Artem Roenko
  • Axel Brandenburg
  • Baochi Fu
  • Casey Cartwright
  • Chengpeng Yu
  • Chowdhury Aminul Islam
  • Christian Korthals Altes
  • Chun Shen
  • Chunjian Zhang
  • Cong Yi
  • Dallas DeMartini
  • Daniel Brandenburg
  • David Frenklakh
  • David Wagner
  • Debojit Sarkar
  • Defu Hou
  • Denis Shohonov
  • Derek Teaney
  • Di-Lun Yang
  • Ding Chen
  • Dirk Rischke
  • Dmitri Kharzeev
  • Dong-Lin Wang
  • Duan She
  • E. C. Aschenauer
  • Eduardo Grossi
  • Edward Shuryak
  • Evan Finch
  • Fan Lin
  • Farid Salazar
  • Farid Taghinavaz
  • Fei Gao
  • flemming videbaek
  • Francesco Becattini
  • Frank Geurts
  • Frรฉdรฉric Julian Kornas
  • Fuqiang Wang
  • Gabriel Sophys
  • Gang Wang
  • Georgy Prokhorov
  • Gleb Zheglov
  • Gleb Zheglov
  • Gokce Basar
  • Gongming Yu
  • Hadi Mehrabpour
  • Han Gao
  • Haojie Xu
  • Helen Caines
  • Heng-Tong Ding
  • Hidefumi Matsuda
  • Hidetoshi Taya
  • Ho-Ung Yee
  • Huan Huang
  • Hui Li
  • Igor Rogachevskii
  • Igor Shovkovy
  • Ilya Selyuzhenkov
  • Irfan Siddique
  • ismail zahed
  • Iurii Karpenko
  • Jacobus Verbaarschot
  • James Dunlop
  • jeremy hansen
  • Jia Jiangyong
  • Jianhua Gao
  • Jie Zhao
  • Jim Thomas
  • Jingyi Chao
  • Jordi Salinas
  • Joseph Adams
  • Juan Torres-Rincon
  • Jun-Xia Chen
  • Jun-xiang Shao
  • Junhong Liu
  • Jurgen Schukraft
  • Karl Landsteiner
  • Kayman Gonรงalves
  • Kazuki Ikeda
  • Kenji Fukushima
  • Kirill Tuchin
  • Koichi Hattori
  • Kun Xu
  • Li Yan
  • Lijuan Ruan
  • Lillian de Bruin
  • Lingling Zou
  • liu runsheng
  • Maha Abdelhakim
  • Mamiya Kawaguchi
  • Maneesha Pradeep
  • Masaru Hongo
  • Masoud Shokri
  • Massimo D'Elia
  • Matteo Buzzegoli
  • Matteo Zoccolan
  • Matthias Kaminski
  • Maxim Chernodub
  • Md Hasanujjaman
  • Mei Huang
  • Michael Lisa
  • Miklos Horvath
  • Misha Stephanov
  • mohammad asadi
  • Nan Yutong
  • Naoki Yamamoto
  • Navid Abbasi
  • Niseem Abdelrahman
  • Nora Weickgenannt
  • Noriyuki Sogabe
  • Nu Xu
  • Oleg Teryaev
  • Panos Christakoglou
  • Patrick Copinger
  • Paul Sorensen
  • Pei Xiang
  • Pengfei Zhuang
  • Petr Parfenov
  • Prithwish Tribedy
  • Prottay Das
  • Qiye Shou
  • Qun Wang
  • Radoslaw Ryblewski
  • Raimond Snellings
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Raju Venugopalan
  • Ren-Hong Fang
  • robert pisarski
  • Roman Zhokhov
  • Sahr Alzhrani
  • Samapan Bhadury
  • Sandipan Bhattacherjee
  • Saul Hernandez Ortiz
  • Sayan Mandal
  • Semeon Valgushev
  • Sergei Voloshin
  • Sergio Morales Tejera
  • Shanjin Wu
  • Sheng-Qin Feng
  • Shi Pu
  • Shi Qiu
  • ShinIchi Esumi
  • Shiva Thapa
  • Shivam Raj
  • Shiyong Li
  • Shizheng Yang
  • Shota Imaki
  • Shu Lin
  • Shuai Wang
  • Shujun Zhao
  • Shuxiang Ma
  • shuyun Yang
  • Shuzhe Shi
  • Somadutta Bhatta
  • Song Shu
  • Subhash Singha
  • Swagato Mukherjee
  • Swapnesh Khade
  • Takafumi Niida
  • Takuya Shimazaki
  • Tang Shian
  • Tina Kahniashvili
  • Valentin Zakharov
  • Victor Braguta
  • Victor E. Ambrus
  • Vinh Luong
  • Vitaly Okorokov
  • Vladimir Korepin
  • Vladimir Skokov
  • Wei Li
  • wenbin chang
  • Wenbin Zhao
  • Wenbo Dong
  • Xiao-Liang Xia
  • Xiao-Ming Xu
  • Xiaofeng Luo
  • Xiaoli Luo
  • Xiaozhou Yu
  • Xin An
  • Xin Dong
  • Xin-Li Sheng
  • Xingyu Guo
  • xinyang wang
  • Xu-Guang Huang
  • Yan-Qing Zhao
  • Yangkang Liu
  • Yi Yang Peng
  • Yi Yin
  • Yiliang Yin
  • Yu Guo
  • YU HU
  • Yu-Chen Liu
  • Yu-cheng Hui
  • Yuan-sheng Zhao
  • yuanyuan wang
  • Yufu Lin
  • Yuki Fujimoto
  • yun guan
  • Yushan Mu
  • Yusuke Shimada
  • Zeyu Zhai
  • Zhangbu Xu
  • Zheng Cao
  • zhibin zhu
  • Zhilei She
  • Zhiwan Xu
  • Zhiwei Du
  • Zhonghua Zhang
  • Ziyue Wang
    • 08:00
      Breakfast will be provided for registered participants at the CFNS CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

    • CME searches at RHIC and LHC CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Dmitri Kharzeev (Stony Brook University and BNL)
    • 12:00
    • Isobar run: theory CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      • 7
        Baseline for CME in Isobar Collisions--a Theorist's Perspective
        Speaker: Shuzhe Shi (mcgill university)
      • 8
        Nuclear structure and isobar collisions
        Speaker: Haojie Xu
      • 9
        Effects of nuclear structure in isobar collisions
        Speaker: Jia Jiangyong (Stony Brook University)
      • 14:35
        Further Discussion
    • 15:00
      Meeting of IAC and OC
    • Vorticity and Hyperon Polarization Physics Building Floor C (CFNS)

      Physics Building Floor C


      Convener: Roy Lacey (SBU)
      • 10
        Experimental overview of hyperon polarization and vorticity
        Speaker: Michael Lisa (Ohio State University)
      • 11
        STAR results on hyperon polarization
        Speaker: Joseph Adams (Ohio State University)
      • 12
        HADES results on hyperon polarization Physics Building Floor C

        Physics Building Floor C


        Speaker: F. Kornas
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break Physics Building Floor C (CFNS)

        Physics Building Floor C


      • 13
        Theoretical overview of polarization and vorticity
        Speaker: Francesco Becattini (Universitร  di Firenze)
      • 14
        Helicity and local parity violation
        Speaker: Matteo Buzzegoli (Iowa State University)
      • 15
        Fermion distributions in rotating and accelerating systems
        Speaker: Andrea Palermo (Universitร  di Firenze)
      • 12:15
        Further Discussion
    • 12:25
    • CME searches at RHIC and LHC CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Sergei Voloshin (Wayne State)
    • Spin and chirality in hydrodynamics CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Derek Teaney (Stony Brook)
      • 19
        Spin and chirality in kinetic theory
        Speaker: Mikhail Stephanov (UIC)
      • 20
        Spin and chirality in hydrodynamics
        Speaker: Xu-Guang Huang
      • 10:20
        Coffee Break CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


        Physics Building Floor C

      • 21
        Chiral anomaly and hydrodynamics
        Speaker: Valentin Zakharov (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, NRC Kurchatov Institute)
      • 22
        Spin and chirality in hydrodynamics CFNS


        Physics Building Floor C

        Speaker: Nora Weickgenannt (Goethe University Frankfurt)
      • 23
        Is CME fast enough?
        Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (IFT Madrid)
    • 12:20
    • Connections to other fields CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Adrien Florio (Stony Brook University)
    • Spin and chirality in kinetic theory CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Eduardo Grossi
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break

      Stony Brook University, CFNS, Physics Building Floor C

    • Phase diagram of QCD in strong magnetic field/finite vorticity
      Convener: Swagato Mukherjee (BNL)
      • 29
        Lattice results on the QCD phase diagram in a magnetic field
        Speaker: Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)
      • 30
        Lattice results on the QCD phase diagram in a magnetic field
        Speaker: Massimo D'Elia (University of Pisa & INFN)
      • 31
        Lattice results on the QCD phase diagram at finite vorticity
        Speaker: Victor Braguta (IHEP)
    • 12:15
    • New theoretical developments CFNS (Physics Building)


      Physics Building

      Convener: Shuzhe Shi
    • Towards the EIC CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Mei Huang
      • 35
        EIC Overview
        Speaker: Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)
      • 36
        The contribution of the chiral anomaly to the proton spin and topological transitions at small x CFNS


        Physics Building Floor C

        Speaker: Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
      • 37
        Anomaly and the proton spin
        Speaker: David Frenklakh
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Magnetic field in heavy ion collisions CFNS (Physics Building Floor C)


      Physics Building Floor C

      Convener: Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
      • 38
        Experimental results on magnetic fields in ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions CFNS


        Physics Building Floor C

        Speaker: Daniel Brandenburg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 39
        Recent theory developments on strong QED fields in heavy-ion collisions CFNS


        Physics Building Floor C

        Speaker: Shi Pu (USTC)
      • 40
        Quantum tomography of chiral media CFNS


        Physics Building Floor C

        Speaker: Kirill Tuchin
      • 41
        Energy dependence of CME in heavy ion collisions
        Speaker: C. Cartwright
    • 12:25
      Lunch (Sandwiches Provided)

      Stony Brook University, CFNS, Physics Building Floor C

    • 12:40
      Panel discussion on the future of Chirality, vorticity and magnetic field in HIC: H. Huang, D. Kharzeev, J. Liao, L. Ruan, P. Sorensen, O. Teryaev, N. Xu

      Stony Brook University, CFNS, Physics Building Floor C

      H. Huang, D. Kharzeev, J. Liao, L. Ruan, P. Sorensen, O. Teryaev, N. Xu

    • 14:40