Workshop on Pion and Kaon Structure Functions at the EIC



Craig Roberts (Nanjing University), Tanja Horn (Cath)

The Lagrangian masses of the quarks deliver only ≈ 1% of the proton mass, mp; and it is the emergence of the bulk of mp and the (very probably) related mechanism of confinement that are the key unresolved issues in hadron physics. In addressing these issues, the potential of the EIC is enormous. It promises to enable a quantitative understanding of the structure of hadrons, such as the nucleon, pion and kaon, in terms of quarks and gluons, thereby achieving key goals of modern physics. Recent synergistic advances in computation, experiment and theory reveal the prospects for a precise description of the one-dimensional structure of hadrons, exemplified by parton distribution functions (PDFs) and electromagnetic form factors, and of constructing three-dimensional images of hadrons, as expressed in Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) and Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Distributions (TMDs). Hence, today, there is an unprecedented opportunity to chart the in-hadron distributions of, inter alia, mass, charge, magnetization and angular momentum.

This workshop will canvass recent progress toward a coherent program of pion and kaon structure studies at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) that will deliver these maps. Their drawing demands an interplay between experiment and theory. Here, recent experimental developments have been matched by new theoretical insights and rapid computational advances. The progress triad is completed by high-level phenomenology in the form of global structure function fitting frameworks. Machine learning and exascale computing are both expected to play a material role in this march of progress.

This workshop aims to capitalize on the success of two prior meetings (PIEIC2017, PIEIC2018), which led to a White Paper, published in Eur.Phys.J.A 55 (2019) 10, 190. Its near-term goals are to expand this documentation, driving toward a significant new element in the EIC User Group Physics and Detector Handbook, and develop contributions as part of the ongoing Yellow Report Initiative.

Pion and Kaon Structure Functions at the EIC