Berkner Hall (Bldg. 488) (Brookhaven National Laboratory )

Berkner Hall (Bldg. 488)

Brookhaven National Laboratory

PO Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000
Grzegorz Deptuch (BNL), Sara Capp (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dominik Gorni (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Joao De Melo (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Prashansa Mukim (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Soumyajit Mandal (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

HEP-IC Workshop 2024 is the fourth in a series of workshops designed to bring together US scientists and engineers involved in developing integrated circuit electronics for particle physics and related applications. Participants from US laboratories and Universities will have an opportunity to learn about the latest activities and developments of the various groups, trends in IC design and fabrication, and new technologies that will be needed to enable future scientific goals.  The workshop will also promote collaborations, exchange of ideas on innovative circuit techniques, and provide a forum to discuss new approaches to partnerships and optimizing the use of technical resources.  This workshop should provide a high-level overview of activities, together with opportunities for discussions and exploration of new ideas and partnerships to address the technical challenges posed by the next generation of HEP experiments.

BNL website (registration)

Advisory Committee Organizing Committee
Angelo Dragone* – SLAC Lorenzo Rota – SLAC
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres – LBNL Katerina Papadopoulou – LBNL
Hucheng Chen – BNL Grzegorz Deptuch* – BNL
Jim Hirschauer – FNAL Jim Hoff – FNAL 
university representative Mitch Newcomer – UPenn

                              * committee chair

Local Organizing Committee: Grzegorz Deptuch (chair), Sara Capp (logistics, venue, admin), Dominik Gorni (Indico webpage), Joao de Melo, Prashansa Mukim, Soumyajit Mandal.