SURGE Collaboration Meeting and Workshop

Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room (Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory


The first meeting of the Saturated Glue (SURGE) Topical Collaboration.

Collaboration mission: Discover and explore the gluon saturation regime of quantum chromodynamics by advancing calculations to high precision and developing a comprehensive framework to compute observables and compare to a wide range of experimental data, including predictions for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC).

Collaboration Goals

  • Identify observables that are sensitive to gluon saturation in polarized and unpolarized proton-nucleus collisions (p + A), ultraperipheral heavy ion and p + A collisions, in DIS off polarized protons or light nuclei (e + p), and in DIS off heavy nuclei (e + A).
  • Provide robust end-to-end calculations minimizing known uncertainties for each of these observables with an ambitious goal of < 10% accuracy, sufficient for unambiguous characterization of the gluon dominated small x regime in protons and nuclei.
  • Incorporate results in a novel global analysis framework for data-theory comparisons that can be systematically improved to cleanly establish evidence for a universal gluon saturation regime in QCD.
  • Explore the larger implications of the ideas and techniques developed during the project and their interdisciplinary connections.

A realistic goal in small x studies is 10% accuracy. This is driven by the fact that process-dependent so-called “impact factors” for key final states are progressing towards next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy; likewise, there is progress in computing small-x evolution equations to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We will also discuss reducing uncertainties in initial conditions, spin dynamics and parton fragmentation to this required level.

Topics or Session Information

  • Initial state
  • Small x evolution and next-to-leading order calculations
  • Spin
  • Final state
  • Framework and global analysis


Event ID: E000004955

Note: This event falls under Exemption B (Meetings to consider internal agency business matters held in Federal facilities. This exemption would include activities such as meetings that take place as part of an organization's regular course of business, do not exhibit indicia of a formal conference, and take place in a Federal facility).

    • Introduction and WG presentations Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Anna Stasto (Penn State University)
      • 1
        Speaker: Hong Ma (BNL)
      • 2
        Opening / Introduction to SURGE
        Speaker: Dr Bjoern Schenke (BNL)
      • 3
        Overview of Initial State WG
        Speaker: Vladimir Skokov (North Caroline State University / RBRC)
      • 4
        Overview of Small x+NLO WG
        Speaker: Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee break Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • Introduction and WG presentations Large Seminar Room (BNL Bldg. 510)

      Large Seminar Room

      BNL Bldg. 510

      Convener: Anna Stasto (Penn State University)
      • 5
        Overview of Spin WG
        Speaker: Matthew Sievert (New Mexico State University)
      • 6
        Overview of Final State WG (remote)
        Speaker: Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 7
        Overview of Global Analysis WG
        Speaker: Fredrick Olness (SMU)
        xFitter Resource Doc
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Adrian Dumitru (Dept. of Natural Sciences, Baruch College (CUNY))
      • 8
        Saturation at RHIC
        Speaker: Xiaoxuan Chu (BNL)
      • 9
        Di-hadron correlation in forward pA collisions at RHIC: how to correctly interpret the results?
        Speaker: Feng Yuan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 10
        Anomaly zero modes and sub-eikonal corrections at small-x
        Speaker: Andrey Tarasov (North Carolina State University)
      • 11
        Color Neutralization and Initial Conditions (remote)
        Speaker: Haowu Duan (North Carolina State University)
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee break Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
    • Business Meeting Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
      • 16
        Saturation in UPC
        Speaker: Zhoudunming Tu (BNL)
      • 17
        Initial conditions for small-x evolution of the dipole scattering amplitude on a proton
        Speaker: Adrian Dumitru (Dept. of Natural Sciences, Baruch College (CUNY))
      • 18
        Asymptotic detector operators in weakly-coupled field theories
        Speaker: Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)
    • 10:10 AM
      Coffee break Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Bjoern Schenke (BNL)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Yoshitaka Hatta (BNL)
    • Breakout Session: Final State WG Library/CFNS Space (2nd floor)

      Library/CFNS Space (2nd floor)

    • Breakout Session: Global analysis WG Lobby


    • Breakout Session: Initial State WG Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

    • Breakout Session: Small x and NLO WG Small Seminar Room

      Small Seminar Room

    • Breakout Session: Spin WG Orange Room

      Orange Room

    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break Lobby


    • Discussion Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
    • Dinner: Workshop Dinner Curry Club at Saghar

      Curry Club at Saghar

      111 W Broadway Port Jefferson, NY 11777
    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Vladimir Skokov (North Caroline State University / RBRC)
    • 10:10 AM
      Coffee break Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Fredrick Olness (SMU)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Lobby


    • Talks Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Matthew Sievert (New Mexico State University)
      • 33
        Gluon saturation search at Bjorken-x < 10^-4 at LHC (remote)
        Speaker: Cesar da Silva (Los Alamos National Lab)
      • 34
        Chiral and trace anomalies in DVCS
        Speaker: Yoshitaka Hatta (BNL)
      • 35
        Analytic solution of the large-Nc helicity evolution
        Speaker: Jeremy Borden (Ohio State University)
    • Closing Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Physics Department (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room

      Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory

      Convener: Dr Bjoern Schenke (BNL)