New York Scientific Data Summit 2024: Addressing Data Challenges in Digital Twins

SUNY Global Center New York, NY 10022 USA

SUNY Global Center New York, NY 10022 USA




Now in its 10th year, the New York Scientific Data Summit, known as NYSDS, aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry. Hosted by the Computational Science Initiative of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the summit serves as a forum to connect diverse participants from the greater New York region and beyond to foster discussion and collaboration.

Addressing Data Challenges in Digital Twins

Continuing the tradition of themed topics, NYSDS 2024 will focus on data-related challenges impacting the development and deployment of digital twins. Digital twins are virtual representations of physical objects, systems, or processes that can be used to study or support design, operation, and control of their real-world counterparts. With continuing advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, and applied mathematics, digital twins are poised to improve operational efficiencies and precision in many areas, including science, engineering, and medicine.

Virtual Human Global Summit 2023 demonstrated the potential for biomedical digital twins to enhance personalized precision medicine. It also identified several challenges that must be addressed before the full potential of digital twins can be realized. Digital twins employed in other application areas face similar challenges in terms of data quality, data management, reproducibility, data safety, security, and privacy.

Summit Format

NYSDS 2024 will bring together global researchers from academia, national labs, and industry to exchange ideas about how to effectively collect, manage, analyze, and visualize data for trustworthy digital twins in diverse areas. The summit will feature invited presentations, spanning overviews of digital twins and their applications along with technical advances in addressing different data challenges. Each day also will include expert panel discussions, examining future opportunities for digital twins.

Event ID: B000006193

Summit Coordinators