"Brookhaven Forum 2017 (BF2017): In Search of New Paradigms" will be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, October 11–13, 2017. The scientific program will cover the latest developments in particle physics and cosmology, on both the theoretical and experimental fronts. Talks will be arranged in plenary and parallel sessions.
“The Warped Universe: The One Hundred Year Quest to Discover Einsteinʼs Gravitational Waves,” Prof. Nergis Mavalvala (MIT, LIGO)
BF2017 Banquet Dinner at Majestic Gardens (included in reg. fee)
Transportation will be provided for all attendees by Hampton Jitney
The coach bus will depart from Berkner Hall promptly at 6:00pm. The bus will then depart Majestic Gardens at 9:00pm and return to Berkner Hall. For those staying at the Hampton Inn, the hotel shuttle has conveniently been scheduled to transport attendees from Berkner Hall back to the hotel at 9:30pm.