Second Topical Workshop on Microphonics, LLRF Workshop Series

Dumbo and Navy Yard (NY Marriott at The Brooklyn Bridge)

Dumbo and Navy Yard

NY Marriott at The Brooklyn Bridge

333 Adams Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA
Kevin S Smith (BNL)


Bring together a diverse group of experts spanning the key disciplines (LLRF, Mechanical and Cryogenic engineering) critical to the design and operation of SRF cavities and cryomodules, in particular those operated with high Q/narrow bandwidth and pulsed conditions.

Provide a basis for understanding the technologies and constraints which drive critical engineering decisions across these disciplines, and in particular the importance of a tightly integrated, cross discipline effort starting at the earliest practical point in a project.

Identify the key microphonic and detuning issues experienced in facilities currently operating, and lessons learned which can inform the design and installation of those under construction and being proposed. Present the latest developments in each discipline with the overall goal of producing quiet cryomodules, and addressing noise via both simple passive methods, and advanced active compensation techniques.

Event ID: 39010

Anna Petway, Workshop Coordinator